Help improve your career development support on moving outside academia, fill in the survey

Euraxess, a European network focused on supporting and assisting mobility of researchers, is going to improve intersectoral mobility: employers from the academic world stepping into other sectors. This is not always an easy step to take, as institutes do generally not offer tailor-made support. Furthermore companies are not always aware of this large group of very talented employees.


Euraxess will develop instruments to build a bridge between potential employers and employees. For example, meet and greet sessions, better information for both the researchers and employers, a platform, courses, a newsletter or more awareness on institutional policy level.


To develop the right tools Euraxess would like to receive input on the needs and expectations of researchers (including PhD-candidates).


Researchers can help by filling in this survey before March 31th:

it takes about 8 minutes.


If you have any questions about Euraxess or this survey, you can contact Ilse Schenk, national coordinator, [email protected]






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