Milestone reached

We have reached 500 LinkedIn members! Thank you for your support, we are the only national postdoc network in The Netherlands and we are proud to represent postdocs.


The past year we have been in contact with many organizations: Dutch Science Organization (NWO), Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW), the association of universities (VSNU), Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ), Postdoc Career Development Initiative (PCDI), Promovendi Network Netherlands (PNN), Social Fund for the Knowledge Sector (SoFoKleS), Science Labor Union (VAWO), Euraxess.


We have presented at the FEDERA day and will speak with the Human Resources directors today. We have had media attention in and EuroScientist.


A recurring problem among postdocs is WWZ (law on work security), which forces postdocs to take a 6-month break in the middle of a project. We have lobbied with the House of Representatives and the Dutch Parliament has addressed one of the cases ( We will continue to lobby to improve the law for project workers, in collaboration with the labor union VAWO.


To continue to represent postdocs we need to increase our membership, thus please invite your network to POSTDOCNL by sharing this link:





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